虽然一开始我觉得不带去年的成绩很难受, 我在学校的友谊给我带来了巨大的改变. During my Grade 11 and 12 years, 我很幸运有三个最好的朋友——卡米尔, Karel and Béa – to create memories with. This year, with a whole new grade, I didn’t know how it would go, 但仍然有bassaa和Karel让我对这一年充满期待,并创造更多的回忆.
To finish, I just want to thank Karel, 感谢b郁闷和Camille让我在Stanstead的经历更加美好(也感谢我的女朋友b郁闷帮我写了这篇演讲稿).
当我告诉妈妈我的演讲时,她对我说了一些关于友谊的事情, and I would like to leave you with that:
Friends make the hard times more bearable and the fun times more memorable. They make moments worth living twice. They are the family you find along the way.